Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Air Pollution
Website: http://library.thinkquest.org/2602/Environmental_Problems/air_pollution.html
Everyday a person inhales 20,000 literes air. Everytime we breath we risk of breathing dangerous chemicals. The air we breath has chemicals in the form of gasses or particles in it. Air pollution can be found in both indoors or outdoors.Air pollution has been a complaint for a very long time. Today we have large factories which polute the air alot. Pretty much anything that has a muffler and gives off carbon dioxide. Air pollution is a very serious effect on a persons health. Air pollution also causes green house gases which is causing global warming.
Air pollution should be looked after better than it is, weather it be putting filters on smoke stacks, stop burning garbage and start burrying it, stop making spray cans with cfc's in them and come up with a type of motor for vehicles that do not give off so much carbon dioxide like the 4- stroke engines they make for snowmobiles, quads, and outboard motors.
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010
Website: http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2010/04/26/oil-spill-gulf-of-mexico/
In April 2010 an underwater oil wells pipes burst off the coast of Louisiana and has spread to cover more than 1,800 square miles and still spreading. The leak started because of the Transocean Deepwater Horizon, a giant offshore drilling rig that exploded and sank last week. They are unsure about how many gallons of oil a day is being spilled Everyday is different but they do believe that as everyday goes by that more and more oil is leaking out. It could be up to 800,000 gallons a day. The Well is about a mile underwater and about 50 miles from the Coast of Louisiana. The Government and locals worry that it will hit the coasts and destroy living creatures and whatever gets in its path. The Company who was drilling the oil takes full responsibility for what is happening and assures that they will clean up the mess. In Louisiana fishermen have to put their fishing gear away and put up their boats because of the oil spill. Sea turtles and birds are dying, washing up onshore because of this disaster. They are trying everything they can to stop the spill from spreading, they are using flotation tubes to keep the spill from spreading, and they have robot subs on the spill to try and stop the leak.
I do not have much of an opinion because they are doing what they can to try and stop the spill and get it under control. They are using the equipment that they have but they still do not have the oil leak stopped. Oil is still spilling out through the pipe. A man said on the news that the equipment that they have to try and stop this spill is the same as going big game hunting with a pellet gun. This is a very bad time for the coasts that the oil is striking because fishermen depend on the waters and the fish in it for income but if this spill continues then they can not fish which means no money can come into their pockets. I think they are doing all they can to stop the spill.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Mining health issues
Mining health issues. The website is:
In this article they are talking about the safety of a miners health. Mining affects an employees respiratory system. They need to make sure that they are choosing the correct protection to keep their respiratory system. In many places like the UK, United States, and Canada are making respiratiry protective equipment their current main target. A persons health is the most important perspective while on a job site.
This could be fixed or less reduced by making the correct respiatory system equipment. These safety issues should be taking action everywhere that there is a mine weather it be a open pit mine or underground mine. Every mining company should take action to reduce this health issue.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
safety issues-regulations
Website: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3407200248.html
Safety regulations are mandatory requirments that aim to prevent injury. Some of the safety requirments for the workplace are wearing safety glasses on the job if there is lose materials flying through the air, wearing hard hats on a construction site, and high visibility safety vests. Some safety requirments for the road are wearing seatbelts, wearing an helment on a motorcycle. There are many Safety requirments that people have to follow today so they can prevent injury as much as possible. A persons life is the most important thing while doing anything. This is the purpose of having the safety regulations and this is why they are mandatory.
The issues that i described, safety issues- regulations, are being taken care of really well and most people do follow the rules but there are still some people or companies out there that do not always follow the safety regulations like they should. We have policemen out there patroling the roads everyday to try and stop crime and reduce injury in pulling people over who are not wearing their seatbelts. Something that could be done is have more occupational health and safety officers on job sites more often so reduce the dangers for the workers. Police officers should also set up more road blocks and check for everyones drivers license and to make sure they are sober and are wearing their seatbelts.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Environmental Pollution
Website: http://pollutionarticles.blogspot.com/
Pollution is one of the biggest environmental concerns on this planet. Many people think that we can throw our garbage anywhere on the planet and not have to face any concequences. They are totally wrong about this. The biggest pollution type would be the big factories and vehicles. Especially the burning of fossel fuels. The worlds biggest polluter is China but The United States are not far behind.
We are not only causing damage to our land, we are also polluting our waters. Its good that our sea is so big that we can not see the damage we are causing to it. Also the pollution is harming the fresh water like ponds, lakes, and rivers. Most of this water is so poluted that it isnt good water to drink. All this pollution is causing global warming, this is a hudge impact on our environment.
What we are doing to our environment with all this polution is a form of environmental destruction. We are taking advantage of our plantet. We are not using the planet sustainably. We need to take action better than what we are doing now. we need to make sure that the land is still here for the future generation.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Terra Nove National Park
Website: http://www.ehow.com/list_6008898_natural-terra-nova-national-park.html
Terra Nova National Park was one of Canada's National Parks in Newfoundland and Labrador area. The trans Canada highway runs right through its interior. This allows tourists to travel their by car, chartered bus, ferry service, aircraft and personal watercraft.
There are many animals within this large area. The animals are also protected. Moose, bear, beaver and bald eagles can be found throughout the park along with many others like squirrel, chipmunks, and many different species of birds. There are many different site seeings. There are a number of waterfalls, Meadows, hillsides, forests, Majestic Cliffs and Quiet Inlets. Visiting this area gives visitors a great opportunity to take pictures so they never forget the wonderful experience they have encountered on their trip.
My opinion on all of this is if you haven't been to Terra Nova National Park Then you should go whenever you get the opportunity. I haven't been there myself and i did not know much about This National Park until i took the Environmental Science 3205 course but knowing what i do now from the articles, activities done in class, and the information i have received from my Science teacher, i would love to visit this park. It has great site seeings and animals, Lots of hiking trails and activities to obtain on your visit there. This is a great opportunity for anyone.
Friday, February 26, 2010
ATV Damage to the Environment and Wildlife
Website: http://northstar.sierraclub.org/campaigns/forests/atvs/atvdamage.html
ATV causes A great amount of damage to the environment these days. Not only does it impact the environment but also the wildlife living in these areas. Some trails are groomed for ATV use but it doesn’t take long before there are tire ruts formed causing erosion, the soil is torn up and vegetation is lost. As ATV's travel over an area so many times the soil becomes compacted causing the change in soil temperature and making it hard for plants to breathe and let water through.
Another big impact that ATV's have on is the wildlife. The noise pollution that these half a tone vehicles let out are extremely harmful on the wildlife. Caribou is one example of this. The noise from A ATV can cause a lot of stress to a caribou and drive it from its migratory habitat. As this occurs it raises the caribou’s heart rate and causes a lot of stress for this animal. Another example would be the Arctic Hare. The Arctic Hare rests during the spring, summer, and fall seasons because it needs to build up its energy to get through the winter season; if an ATV drives an Arctic Hare from its resting habitat then it is going to use up all of its energy and not be able to protect itself from predators in the winter season.
ATV use should only be allowed in areas where there is very few animals living and where it can do as less amount of damage as possible to the environment, like on a rocky surface. ATV's seem to be becoming more popular every year; it seems that more people are buying the bigger and better ATVs along with bigger and wider tires which cause a lot of damage to soils. If this trend continues then it could mean big trouble in the future for wildlife and vegetations.
Peak Oil
Some people might think that burning less oil in the future will reduce pollution. There would be less tailpipe emissions from vehicles, fewer jets flying through the sky causing pollution, fewer motorboats and jet skis leaking fuel into bays and rivers, and fewer snowmobiles making a smoky racket. Peak oil may help us in the long run but in the short run it will have a major impact on our environment. Petroleum is the major ingredient for plastics, pesticides, and chemicals which we misuse or overuse. Doing so does cause big issues for the environment. If there were not so much plastics, pesticides and chemicals then it would be better for our environment.
This article is very important and I think that everyone should know just how harmful peak oil or petroleum is to our environment. Yes in the long run peak oil may help the environment but it is not said to be 100% that it well. In near terms it is said that it will have a devastating impact on our environment. I have learned in my environmental Science 3205 classes and textbook the different types of emissions and how they are harmful to the environment, the carbon monoxides, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides that are released into the environment. This all affects the ozone that we are trying to repair which causes Global Warming. Who really knows if Peak Oil will help the environment in the long run? It’s almost not worth taking the chance if it will hurt the environment in the near term.
Human use exhausts Earth
Website/URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2062729.stm
The article is about how humans are using up all the resources on earth. Scientists said that in 1961 humans were using 70% of the capacity of the global biosphere. By 1999, that had risen to 120%.. They say humanity's footprint on the planet has increased by half in under 40 years. The information in this article is explaining how humans are using more resources than past years. The breathing spaces are declining so the population must be increasing majorly over the years and will continue to increase. People’s ecological footprint is increasing more and more every year. This must be took under control
I think that we as humans need to take control of our own responsibilities and not take things for Granit. All of our resources are being used up quickly. We need to have a sustainable development so that we will have resources for future generations to come. If we do not care for our resources and stop using them up when we don’t absolutely need them, especially the non-renewable resources, it may not affect us on earth today but it will have a major impact on our children and grandchildren. If this trend continues then one day there will be few resources on earth
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