Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Air Pollution

Website: http://library.thinkquest.org/2602/Environmental_Problems/air_pollution.html

Everyday a person inhales 20,000 literes air. Everytime we breath we risk of breathing dangerous chemicals. The air we breath has chemicals in the form of gasses or particles in it. Air pollution can be found in both indoors or outdoors.Air pollution has been a complaint for a very long time. Today we have large factories which polute the air alot. Pretty much anything that has a muffler and gives off carbon dioxide. Air pollution is a very serious effect on a persons health. Air pollution also causes green house gases which is causing global warming.

Air pollution should be looked after better than it is, weather it be putting filters on smoke stacks, stop burning garbage and start burrying it, stop making spray cans with cfc's in them and come up with a type of motor for vehicles that do not give off so much carbon dioxide like the 4- stroke engines they make for snowmobiles, quads, and outboard motors.

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